MakeOver Continues


Today I’m at the Retreat overseeing the continuing work on the MakeOver of the re-landscaping.   Board member Mel Medema is overseeing the project, but is out of town today.  So I’m not so sure that the project is in good hands with me as the overseer.  However, with Joe and his concrete crew and Steve with his landscape crew, I don’t have much to worry about.

As Jason said in the last blog, we are an Extreme MakeOver: Pastor Edition with our new landscaping project.  To keep you up-to-date I took some photos today, September 6, 2012 showing the progress.

Here you can see the forms for three of the four patios. The fire pit will be in the middle of the circular patio near the wall and the fountain will be in the middle of the patio in the foreground.











A workman prepares for the cement pour that will take place on Monday.

The retaining wall is nearing completion 



Jim Schlottman


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